Calcenova Arredo of the ArteNova line is an organic mineral coating suitable for application, by spatula or trowel, on interior surfaces in conventional plasterwork, pre-cast concrete, gypsum plaster and plasterboard.
Full-bodied yet smoothly flowing, it can be applied with equal effectiveness by stainless steel trowel or spatula, depending on the effect required.
The speed and ease with which it is applied make it unique among smoothed-lime plasters present on the market.
Calcenova Arredo is immune to deterioration, exhibits excellent filling power, and neither cracks nor crumbles.
Calcenova Arredo is tintable with the fully-compatible colours from the ArteColor range or alternatively, with the multi-purpose Universal Color colorants range in the alkali-proof, WL-oxide version.
The smooth, full-bodied quality of the filtered and milled slaked lime combines with the pigment pastes to achieve blending, softening and other colour effects of unmatched depth and tone.